Interesting 6 SIGNS that You Have An Unexplainable Connection with Someone

2 years ago

Do you believe in soulmates or twin flames? The idea that everyone who comes into our lives is destined to do so, for reasons we may never understand? Whether it’s romantic or platonic, your relationship with this person has a certain intensity you can’t explain. You don’t know why but there’s just something about them. You feel like you have a deep soul connection with each other. You're in sync with each other’s innermost thoughts and emotions. Encounters like this are truly special and rare, but every once in a while you may come across someone who makes you feel this way. So, here are a few indicators to know whether you've made a meaningful connection with someone.

Disclaimer: This video's primary intention is for providing spiritual and light-hearted content and is NOT based on any scholarly studies.

Credit to the following:

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Rida Batool
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Nayeli Meneses
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

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