Stay Hydrated for Civil War II!

2 years ago

Original YT Upload: 9/3/22

Help Derek O'Shea become monitized, so he can immediately become demonitized!! (His Words) :

Funky Here is always funky here:

Bitchute exists because I like being unhinged:

Youtube Blows, but what choice to I have?:

The Former Vice President comes out of his evil basement lair to ominously lecture us on the dangers of extremism all while ignoring the chants of angry people telling him to "go fuck himself." We also get a valuable lesson in the merits of 3rd grade election meddling and the importance of being hydrated before being bombed by a former vice president who can't stop sniffing the heads of children...God help us all...

We have fun around here. But you know what's not fun? Assuming that I am a doctor, lawyer or financial advisor. It's not fun, because those jobs sound like ass, and I don't feel like doing any of them. So, nothing I say is remotely anywhere close to advice in the world of finance, medicine or legal. Please don't take it as such.

The footage used from this is a patchwork of various clips, screenshots, music and memes. None of which I own myself. I just gathered them up together and threw them into the editing software. I don't own them. I don't even know who does. It's a mystery lost to time...

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