One World in a New World with Dr. Pauline Crawford - Conversation Maker

2 years ago

Poignant, Purposeful, Insightful and Inviting

Dr. Pauline Crawford has been engaging apocalyptic chats in her work, Magical Conversations, for decades. She's an activator and wayshower for creating change in how we interact conversationally and ultimately in our functional daily lives; professions and relationships.

Reflecting on Walking on the Moon or being in the Lighthouse with a little bit of alliteration, Pauline shares that she's always been at the center of communication and conversation. Her early observations of the flow of conversations, or not, lead her to dive deeper into the nature of conversations. Developing a process called Third Space, which became 'Magical Conversations.'

Our conversation advances to the discussion of 'flow' and the aspects of mind flow and heart flow. The question of noticing the disconnects, those things that constrict or inhibit effective and flowing conversation (bias, criticism, judgement, etc) and how she facilitates the transcendence of them.

She speaks to the aspect of making sense common through conversation being a key aspect and offers a technique to bring balance with a statement of intent and the choice as to whether to stay or go. It isn't matter of whether to stay or go, it's a matter of recognizing the activity. The notion of unity in diversity is a challenge for some, yet the wisdom is that everyone is equal in the conversation even in their difference.

How do we translate the feelings and sensations we have during conversation? Traditional methods are metric-driven with little attention given to the mind flow, the sensemaking. Pauline shares the observation that virtually every professional realm has been ignorant of the natural gifts of people because we focus on materialism. Nature has a plethora of aspects that we haven't considered that offers a reflection of the direction we are evolving toward.

What is your 'one word' for the future? What does it illicit within you? What does it engage in you? She asks an interesting question as prep work before joining the Magical Conversations regarding specific focal topics, "Are you willing to be here before you get here?" Consider the implications of that question. How would you answer it and what do you need to do within yourself to answer and show up in the affirmative?

Dr. Crawford offers an open invitation to participate in the World Wisdom Circles that bring people together to explore how different cultures express the same concepts using different words. Imagine if you had the ability to recognize the similarity where you first thought there was a difference or division?

The notion of order in chaos offers an insightful reference that brings the conversation back to mind flow. So many points of order appear at times that it's difficult to acknowledge and draw attention, yet the sense is of connecting and flowing well.

The comfort in ambiguity and the ability to be vulnerable in our conversations, whether in purposeful gatherings or normal life, bring opportunity for better relationship building. The awareness of something 'feeling' good (connected) compared to the sense of feeling bad (disconnected), brings the ability to discern whether something is 'desirable' or 'undesirable.'

The balance of our conversations flows around the sensemaking of feelings, words, vibrations and the conscious or unconscious manner in which we engage them or ignore them. Pauline's dream is to remove all the 'negatively connotated' words in our language that create separation in their use.

We really hope you'll offer some time and consideration of our content and conversation.

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