One World in a New World with Tom Paladino - Scalar Energy Researcher

1 year ago

Tom Paladino has over 25 years of research and study of scalar energy; a new way of looking at consciousness. We begin with a brief clarification of what scalar energy is, which Tom states is simply 'consciousness.' He shares that discovering Tesla's work early in life inspired and intrigued him to pursue further study of scalar energy. A reference of conversations with 'people from elsewhere,' edifies what Tom has found, too.

When we speak of 'energy,' perhaps we've been sequestering its capacity for understanding because we've been looking at 'it' through only electromagnetic lenses. Tom relates there are two kinds of energy; electromagnetic and scalar. He feels the mind and heart are both scalar energy driven, from the sense of their connection to our reality; that feeling and thinking are scalar activities. How does that work from his perspective?

Tom brings the questions of how thought is scalar, it's non-physical, and that our days are a result of how we 'project' our waking 'mood' into the day. The discussion moves to suggestions as to how to make oneself aware of the 'stinking thinking' and being able to shift on the fly. He demonstrates examples through his own realizations and the discipline necessary to simply be aware of our thinking.

Looking for the positive directions or opportunities is always a choice. Tom says just being realistic about moving throughout the day is just being your best in the moment. Whether prayer, meditation or just intention, just doing the best we can in the present moment is what shifts our reality to experiencing a better life personally and quite likely for those around us, too. What kind of examples will Tom share? Zen reflects a varied of similar views from different perspectives, too.

So what can the individual do to promote their well-being? If it begins with 'consciousness' then managing life with simple daily goals moves the needle one day at a time. Tom offers that daily goal setting, even simple ones, changes our reality toward living a happier and more joy filled life. He makes a distinction between have a goal of being successful and having a purpose in life. He recommends giving attention, intention and interaction toward the latter.

There is a psychological set point. Once you develop that path, that you are the captain of your ship, people take that seriously. Human proclivities often include self-deprecation instead of self-empowerment. Recognizing and changing those patterns, the internal dialogue, is key in reorganizing one's life toward finding purpose. He believes if we all (each of the 7.9 billion) would just do one kind act a day, make one improvement on self a day, it's possible to experience paradise on earth.

If you experience undesirable others, just do your best to uplift them is Tom's advice. He mentions prayer as a tool for self and others, too. If we consider that within the realms of consciousness, there is a call and response aspect that just might be correlated by advancing our understanding of quantum entanglement.

He, like many, suggests we look for what brings us together and not what divides us. We all share this in common, regardless of our background, diversity or religion. It's a quantum relationship, according to Tom, that will soon unite us with understanding. That understanding of how to work together better touches the essence of what One World in a New World represents.

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