Strengthen the Earth Element; pt 2 Qigong Flow for Late Summer

2 years ago

Here's a 15 min Qigong flow for Late Summer to help regenerate the Earth Element in the body and build strength and resilience in the muscles and connective tissue.

In this sequence we try some Animal Play exercises. This is a style of Qigong which mimics animal movements to reinforce those attributes within our own bodies. The Leopard relates to the Earth element and there is a focus on creating strong, square angles with the body building up muscle strength and mobility, These moves are great for training large muscle groups by toning legs and glutes and sculpting upper arms and shoulders.

This can be done along with the other 'Nourish the Earth Element' video to make a great 35/40 minute Qigong sequence for these Late Summer weeks as we head towards Autumn Equinox.

So many of us need to build up our earth element to help nourish our spleen. Healthy spleen energy
helps balance our confidence and openness. It's connected to the energy centre of the middle Dan tien and Solar Plexus. When it's out of balance we are prone to worry and over-thinking. Nourishing our Earth organs helps calm anxiety, and helps us effectively process and assimilate energy from the food we eat.

So, ensuring our earth element is abundant and balanced calms our minds and gives us a head start as we progress into the cooler temperatures of Autumn.

I hope you enjoy this one, let me know how you get on and pop any questions in the comments. :)

Don't forget to come and say hi on Instagram @qi_and_gong & if you like, you can also buy me a coffee here

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