The Real Ukraine | Nazism, Torture & War Crimes Blowing Up the Crimean Bridge, STOP FUNDING Ukraine!

2 years ago

On the 8th October Ukraine officially switched its position from defender to aggressor when it bombed the Crimean Bridge which killed three.

In this video take a look at what is going on inside Ukraine, a country which has received more aid both from the public and governments than any other.

From Roma people and other ethnic groups like Jews whose freedoms are restricted to any other group that Ukraine see as 'deplorable'.

Ukraine also relies on its Azov regiment to help its war effort against Russia, despite this group having a long pro Nazi, pro Hitler history which continues to this day.

And finally today Ukraine's government shows it true self, it doesn't want you to pay for Ukraine to defend itself but instead to pay for Ukraine to attack Russia and Russian civilians.

If logic says Putin is evil which is fair then this must apply to Zelensky and his governance over Ukraine. Wake up your media is completely feeding you one side of the story and is now promoting when Russian civilians are getting bombed!

Nazism, Russians did Ukraine bomb Crimean Bridge blows up bridge today n*zi's on evil attack strike bombed

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