One World in a New World with Robert Butwin - Business Strategist and Networking Mentor

1 year ago

We jump in the Wayback Machine, minus Peabody and Sherman, for a few moments in exploring Robert's early years in business and his family's challenges in continuing to grow the business. He introduces his awakening to a new way of being through Wayne Dyer's work.

Robert loves acronyms and shares several - DENIAL, 3D Thinking and how we tend to be self-limiting in our analysis paralysis. He talks about his 'catch up' work and create the skill set necessary to overcome his awareness of his shortcomings.

He reveals that he became a kind of floating university with his travels by including audio materials that he listened to nearly every spare moment. Robert speaks about the importance of eye contact (with a smile) in communication being critical to building effective relationships.

Zen hits the nail on the head, softly, with the reflection of Robert's wisdom in building a successful business being a result of where you put your attention, intention and interactions. Pay attention to the story of crossing the room.

What are your defining moments? Robert shares the many make-overs in re-inventing himself time and again as a serial entrepreneur as a young man and throughout his life. Robert also mentions an understanding that has some tenure in the networking field - your net worth is in a direct relationship to the value of your network.

Robert reflects the necessity of being leaders by example, and that this 'better way' will result in the transactions on both personal and professional levels. Perhaps these transactions will help to evolve our way of doing business and living together.

We discuss the need for recognizing our stinking thinking and Robert mentions having a 37-year marriage with a brilliant woman that helps to reflect wisely when his thinking is awry. Shortly later we discuss the observance of breath to which his response edifies the practice of meditation and mindfulness.

The stumper: Is there a natural design embedded within us that is emerging now? He responds with the change in human behavior is a result of necessity. He doesn't look at barriers and boundaries, his desire to explore and understand cultures has taken him to 41 countries so far with a goal of 70 for he and his wife.

You'll want to pay particular attention to is his answer regarding the best methods of interacting with people on line today. How do you interact with your online contacts in building relationships? How do you provide value and service to your clients or contacts? Is it positive, significant and impactful for them?

At around the 53-minute mark Robert shares his recommendations for shifting our thinking. We explore a few tasty tidbits in developing awareness and building relationships. Robert stops Zen cold with a question, too.

In closing... become more conscious and aware of all the signs around you.

Robert's Publications:
Street Smart Networking Paperback -

Street Smart Network Marketing: A No-Nonsense Guide for Creating the Most Richly Rewarding Lifestyle -

Street Smart Networking (Audio CDs) -

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Intro and Exit Music: Outcasts and Social Misfits (Zen on drums)

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