Why are children wearing hi vis vests to walk in the woods?

2 years ago

Why are children wearing hi vis vests to walk in the woods?

How on earth can they be run over in the woods?

I have often seen children from schools go to parks and woods in groups all wearing hi vis vest and see no reason for it.

While it may be clamed to be about health and safety, one suspects it is more about trying to stop being sued by some money grabbing parent, who will demand compensation because her kid was in shock my having a leaf land on them, and that the school had not done enough to protect her brat.

One wonders too if the aim is to make children live in fear of everything, as often those who live in fear probably vote Labour. Indeed all the people who ran around in fear with the lockdown, seemed to be all left wing middle class types.

One suspects most of these children will grow up so depressed they end up on drugs.


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