Canadian ex-military and pilot speaks correctly. ALL nations law enforcement and military, do this!

1 year ago

This statement is the truth and needs to be heard and acted on by all military / law enforcement personnel, regardless of the nation you serve.

If you are in the military or the police for your nation, and are doing things that you KNOW are against your morale code, then you need to stop what you are doing against your fellow citizens just because a talking head politician says you must do so.

Listen to your Spirit and Heart - do NOT follow your brain as the ego and the mind are being undermined by those who lie to you about what is right and wrong.

You all KNOW the vaccinations for the plandemic are killing people and are WRONG.

You all KNOW that "mandates" are NOT LAWS - they are the proclamations by your elite-ivory-tower-do-as-I-say-because-I-am-all-knowing-and-all powerful officials that are either elected through fraudulent elections (NO ONE has been elected for many years in many countries - they have been "selected" by those in power who will do anything to maintain that power), or appointed by those who have selected them to follow like good little sheep and do their evil and lying bidding.

Come on, law enforcement and military personnel!! Do the morally correct thing and say "NO MORE" will I beat down and and arrest in a violent way innocent, peace loving protestors! I will, instead, recognize they are correct in their peaceful demands, and join them, no matter how painful it may seem.

For if you don't, the price you will pay in the future may be far worse then losing your job.

You could lose your life. Those who are forcing innocent civilians to do the bidding of that which is against their will are actually treading on dangerous Nuremberg code violations and that in itself could put yourself on trial someday.

So that you know, most military tribunals of crimes against humanity either end in life imprisonment or death.

Your silence and continued violent actions against your fellow peaceful citizen could find you on trial by just such a military tribunal.

Nuremberg 2.0 is already in full swing, so don't think it is not real. Go look at the aerial view of Guantanamo Bay from 4 or 5 years ago and what it looks like today. The major buildup in all facilities is for a reason and that reason is arrests and tribunals are stepping up.

Something to think about, next time you taser or put an innocent protestor of a mandate in a choke hold. Just let that rattle around inside as you perform that act of blind and stupid obedience.

As the gentleman in this video says: "This is stupid!"

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