Aries Full Moon 9th 10th October 2022

2 years ago

I am stronger than I know.
I have a fire inside me that burns brighter each day.
I follow my passions,not perfection.

This is quite a moon cycle, completing what started on the April 1st New Moon in Aries. This will be very illuminating for those willing to see and fully embrace all that has come to pass. Much has been learned and experienced these past 6 months. We ask ourselves what we have been refusing to face up until now? Now the time has come; the decisions must be made. If not, they will be made for us under these upcoming eclipses; for now, it's time to stand for ourselves regardless. We are claiming our warrior within; the warrior goes forward with or without the crowd's endorsement, for the warrior knows deep down they only genuinely have themselves and their instincts, as no one can fully understand what another must do, as we have seen when we try to follow another's story or narrative even with the best intentions things can go way-wood. This Full moon is illuminating where we originally sold out and now where we must stand to reclaim ourselves, our strength and our own empowerment back from the clutches of our fears and doubts either cast upon us by ourselves or from the opinions of others, the question to ask is where are we held captive? Captive to ideals that will no longer fit or work for us as we progress. This Aries Moon will highlight our intuition. Have we listened and followed it or allowed doubt to cloud us, driving us into perpetual cycling of fear and stagnation?

It will be a big release and surrendering of our old selves; we will feel its Energy on many levels as we now prepare ourselves for a complete shift in awareness with the upcoming Scorpio season; no stone will be left unturned; as we passage these rapids ahead; there is no stopping these forces so best we move forward knowing we are meant to change, no longer will we feel nor behave the same as we once did, our eyes will be opened to so much more, there is no turning back now, by the end of this year we will feel reborn rebirthed, transmuted and transformed.

We must stand for ourselves in these times, crowd or no crowd. After all, that is all we have. Trust the energy, energy. Doesn’t lie; if it feels off, then it is off. Words are masks and can miss lead; tune into your inner wisdom instead of bypassing and blaming when it doesn’t go well. Sometimes one must stand alone if they have to. Be willing to back yourself; nothing will be gained by selling out and losing yourself. It's not about judging others to make them wrong; it's about alignment with yourself, your truth, your life and how you wish to experience it. Ask whether this situation aligns with my values, beliefs, and awareness; does this feel correct for me? Is the Energy right? If the answer is no, leave it there and find what does align. It's really that simple. When we stop selling ourselves short we start to see what we are truly worth.

Many Blessings to All
Peace and Love

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