Hail Damage to a Concrete Tile Roof in Kansas City

2 years ago

Customer has a DiBenedetto Tile roof and a hail storm creates damage. We met with the insurance adjuster and they were able to document the damage caused by the hail. We have also had an Engineer conduct tests with an Ice Cannon and the tile broke when hit by .75”hail.

This video shows clean breaks where there is hail spatter.

This homeowner just lucked out and will be having their property restored by Manning Roofing! #newroof #BestRoofInTown #ManningGC #hail #hailstorm #windstorm #windows #gutters #roof #raymore #leessummit #independence #bluesprings #olatheks #lenexaks #shawneeks #leawoodks #prairievillageks #lakewoodks #overlandparkks #johnsislandsc #kiawahisland #seabrookisland #jamesislandsc #charlestonsc #summervillesc #mountpleasantsc #iop #follybeachsc #sullivansislandsc

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