Live UFO chat with Paul --076- Grand Canyon Ancient Entrance Lies + Ukraine invisible UAPs

2 years ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #aliens #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming up - Grand Cayon hidden entrance to tunnel according to
frauds thirdphaseofmoon + Ukraine invisible UAPs debate and more!
[00:08:00] (2) Main Topics begins - Thirdphaseofmoon is removing videos
by some youtubers that are debunking them and exposing their hoaxed videos.
I talk about a new movement to post the taken down videos all over the web
where they have no reach to take down #4thPhaseofTRUTH
even when they are clearly Legal under FAIR USE.
[00:13:50] (2b) More Narky comments on Twitter but they are funny.
[00:20:40] (3) New 100Megapixel Cameras and 2-3x optical Zoom for 2022 what next
in 2023..
[00:34:30] (4) GabberBeastTV jumps in the side chat.
[00:36:00] (5) Ukraine Fast Moving Invisible Phantom UAPs and Cosmic UFOs.
Bugs Meteors and Beyond...
[00:51:50] (5b) Gabber brings up TPOM Ancient entrance and Paul talks about possible ancient airships and crashing in Arizona.
[00:56:00] (5c) Back to Talking and figuring the Ukraine UAPS research.. Paul adds his
thoughts on it and what it could also be.
[01:05:00] (5d) The SharpCAP software used by scientists to gather their sky watchinging stereo camera's 120km apart.
[01:17:00] (5e) Paul draws a pic of how it could be a bug or Not a bug
base how the image was made and captured.
[01:51:00] (5f) Errors and complaints on the Ukraine Research by Astronomers/Scientists.
[01:55:00] (5g) Snow Balls from space and sky research and video
[02:11:00] (5h) Fall Streak Holes re-Cap and how they are formed, Gabber talks
about my debunk on Hoaxer Secureteam rebadging illegally someones elses
photo of a circular contrail of Jet to CERN.. so Paul shows some quick images
to re-cap that one.
[02:18:00] (6) Thirdphasepfmoon or now called thirdphaseofFAKE try to BS people
that they found an Egyptian Tomb entrance as the fable story goes in Arizona
Grand Canyon. Paul break it down in his pre-Hour research and repeats some of it Live.
[02:28:00] (6b) Paul Shows it on google Earth and shows how they avoid showing a road and lookup straight above to the right LOL.
[02:35:00] (6c) look over the Myth on the Smithsonian about the artifacts from a secret
tunnel of mummies and artifacts from Egypt. Why its debunked story???
[02:41:00] (6d) Paul Posts his research and theories on airships and Bulb from Egypt claims.
[02:45:00](6e) Paul shows how he can debunk claim are cliff/slope rectangle rocks
with shadows.
[02:53:00] (6f) GUFONs attack on Pauls twitter debunk for it.. Paul brings it up for a LAUGH
[03:18:00] (7) RaceTrack UAPs by Ben Hansen.. Live viewing with extra Comments
under FAIR USE!! will he do better then his last bad editing attempt.. come
and see and Laugh along :)

Paul warps up for the night....

cheers Paul.

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cheers Paul.

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Paul S. (Music)
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sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting

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