Que Me Falte Todo en Ingles (ENGLISH cover)

2 years ago

This is my cover of Que Me Falte Todo by Zuleyka Barreiro. I hope it's a blessing! If you want any songs translated or have other song requests please don't hesitate to email me at natalymedinamusic@gmail.com

Esta es mi versión de Que Me Falte Todo por Zuleyka Barreiro. Espero que sea de bendición. Si quieres una traducción de otra canción o quieres esuchar mi versión de una canción, por favor mandame un correo electronico a natalymedinamusic@gmail.com

Donate any amount here: https://bit.ly/3pFOdXm

Si este video ha sido una bendición y quieres apoyar este canal de adoración por favor siembra una semilla de cualquier cantidad en dolares que Dios te esta dirigiendo a dar. Se puede donar por el link seguro. MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS

If this video has been a blessing to you and you want to support this worship channel, please sow a seed of whatever dollar amount the Lord is leading you to give. You can donate through the secure link above. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Muchas Gracias a Alondra Lara por la sugerencia!
Original Music and Lyrics do not belong to me.
No copyright infringement intended.
Translated by Nataly Medina.

When I was hurting
Everyone left me
When I was broken
There was no one to turn to
Oh I was sure that it was over
And that I'd never recover
I was sure it was the end

But you taught me something in the desert place
You showed me your love and your unfailing grace
You sent your spirit to live within me
You promised me that you would never leave me

You can take it all Lord
But don't take your presence
You can take my family
But don't take your spirit from me
If I'm left with nothing
There's still one thing I'll never be without
Your praises will continue in my mouth

Now I don't have to feel so lonely
For your love is with me every night and every morning
He promised that He'd be with me until the end
I won't doubt his promises
He is my faithful friend
I know that in my weakness he's the strength I need
I know that He's restoring me
always guiding me


Equipment used:
Microphone: Shure SM58
Keyboard: Yamaha MX61 Music Synthesizer
Mixer: Yamaha MG10XU
Cameras: Canon EOS 70D
Lens: 50mm 1.8 lens
In Ear Headphones Set Up:
KZ ZST Pro Dynamic Hybrid Dual Driver and Elite Core EC-WBP-VC Wired Body Pack with Volume Control

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