Hacking chemo

2 years ago

Episode 92 : Hacking Chemo: Using Nutrition to Power through Cancer

When diagnosed with Stage 1 ovarian cancer, our guest Martha Tettenborn decided to research her disease and learn all she could about the science of cancer metabolism. As a 35 year veteran Registered Dietician, she decided to dig deep into cancers’ unique metabolic characteristics and figure out how to impact her own cancer treatment. She soon developed and used a protocol of a ketogenic diet with targeted therapeutic fasting to significantly impact her response to chemotherapy.

Before her cancer diagnosis, she had already been a long time advocate of a low-carb diet ( a rarity in the dietetics world) and Primal Health Coach. In early 2019 during her early chemo treatments, she started blogging and sharing her journey. This led her to write her book: Hacking Chemo: Using Ketogenic Diet, Therapeutic Fasting and a Kickass Attitude to Power Through Cancer.

Not only has she conquered cancer, but she is helping coach others on their cancer journey. She also believes in the power of a positive spirit and speaks of self gratitude for all that she has gone through.

Listen as she shares her story and what she learned about cancer metabolism, and how to have the best outcome possible through your cancer therapy and beyond.

More About Our Guest:

Martha Tettenborn RD is a Registered Dietitian and certified Primal Health Coach with over 30 years of experience working in various areas of nutrition. Her private health coach practice, The Cancer Doula, promotes a low-carb, whole-foods-based approach to disease prevention and cancer symptom management. She has been a featured speaker at the Low Carb Long Weekend Summit and on numerous podcasts. Martha also instructs courses for the Nutrition Network and Udemy on the ketogenic approach to cancer treatment. Find her book, website and FB pages in our links below!

Web: Marthatettenborn.com
Facebook : Hacking Chemo-Using Nutrition to Journey Through Cancer
Books: Hacking Chemo: Using Ketogenic Diet, Therapeutic Fasting and a Kickass Attitue to Power Through Cancer

Our Advice!
Everything in this podcast is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute the practice of medicine and we are not providing medical advice. No Physician-patient relationship is formed and anything discussed in this podcast does not represent the views of our employers.

The Fine Print!
All opinions expressed by the hosts or guests in this episode are solely their opinion and are not to be used as specific medical advice. The hosts, May and Tim Hindmarsh MD, BS Free MD LLC, or any affiliates thereof are not under any obligation to update or correct any information provided in this episode. The guest's statements and opinions are subject to change without notice.

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