Connecting The Dots: Global Warming/Climate Change - Part 1

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For many Christians, a New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory. It appears to be in the realm of fantasy, certainly not fulfilling prophecy!

But – the Bible warns us differently! A “changed” geopolitical world is at the center of apocalyptic prophecy. It matures shortly before the return of Jesus with coercive power. At that time the world will be in awe over a “harlot” and a “beast” (symbols for an apostate “church” and a “nation/state” (Revelation 17:3, 12-13; Daniel 7:23-24). Then in 1972 the Club of Rome published this world map
of ten divisions that coincides with the ten horns/kings of Revelation 13 and 17! Many maps have been proposed since then – each a “spin-off” of this map!

This map and their book The Limits of Growth dropped like an intellectual bomb on the developed world’s most optimistic view of itself. It launched a movement that involved climate change, wealth redistribution, inadequate medical care, better law enforcement, need for a stronger world monetary system, threats to natural resources and better authority over certain international agencies. This was the beginning of the New World Order that is moving forward today!

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