How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You

2 years ago

Practical advice.

How To Stop Caring What People Think About You - using a logical method that will work if you put it into practice.

A foolproof system to stop caring what people think of you, with some epic music to boot.

Who in your life do you wish you could just say "f*ck off" to but haven't done yet, do it and get back to me it's great 😂😎

Social anxiety is more than shyness. It's a fear that does not go away and affects everyday activities, self confidence, relationships and work or school life. Many people occasionally worry about social situations, but someone with social anxiety feels overly worried before, during and after them.

Comparing yourself to others and focusing on what other people think about you is bad for mental health. The happiest people don’t even think about others, they focus on themselves and being better than they were previously.

If you find yourself spending mental energy on what other people are doing and thinking, make a plan to distract yourself, like watching a funny video or snapping a rubber band on your wrist.
Redirect your thoughts

Worrying what other people think about you can cause anxious thoughts, but it is possible to detach from them and treat them as just one possible source of information about what is going to happen next. Taking an experimental approach with your thoughts can be helpful.

For example, if someone has a project deadline coming up, and they think to themselves, “My boss is going to think this is horrible. It is going to be humiliating,” but after analyzing this thought it can be redirected to, “Okay, that’s one possibility. Another possibility is that my boss will love it. Another is that my boss will have some feedback, but in the end, it will be a good project. Let’s submit it to my boss and see which one is the truth.”
Keep a journal

When good things happen to you, write them down. Every night, write down at least three good things that happened that day. Every couple of weeks, you will be able to go back and see all of the good things that happened to you while you were focusing on yourself and not worrying about how other people feel about you.
Focus on yourself

Take time to invest in yourself. Pick up a new hobby or skill that will make you happy. Consider where you want to be in five years and focus on taking steps towards that goal rather than being preoccupied with what others think about you.

One of our more enduring social fallacies is the idea that what others think of us actually matters. While this notion clearly has primal evolutionary roots, its shift from survival instinct to social imperative has become one of our greatest obstacles to self-acceptance.

00:00 Intro
00:10 Everyone is worried
00:58 Are people thinking about you?
01:58 Rational vs Irrational thought
03:10 Are people thinking the same thing?
03:55 The 0.1% don't matter
04:50 The Holy Grail
05:40 Use the knowledge
06:04 Outro

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness #mentalillnesssupport

#StopCaring #WhatPeople #Think

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