Living the BrainGAME with Certified Mastering the BrainGAME Coach - Wanda Pandachuck

2 years ago

Living the BrainGAME™ with Wanda Pandachuck

Life was like a massive frustration ball ready to explode at any moment before the BrainGAME. I felt like I was pulled in 10 different directions and there was a lot going on. I was on a health journey, I had a younger child who has some learning delays, and I had no idea what I wanted to do. There was so much frustration and it just kept building and building and then I would explode.

Life after BrainGAME is so much better. I feel like I got all my ducks in a row, and I take the time to do certain things that set me up for success. The BrainGAME helped me to get to know myself better. I feel solid; like I have this great foundation, and now I can move forward. The triggers that were triggering me aren’t there anymore and that’s fantastic. I have such a sense of peace.

I think about when I was a kid and if I had some of these nuggets and this foundation, how extraordinary life might have been. So my focus has always been about getting this into the hands of our children. But it dawned on me recently that this is meant for everyone. I really feel like this is the backbone of getting the world into thriving from the survival mode we’ve all been in. The ripple effect I’ve seen in my own family has shown me that this is just for everybody.

Catch the full episode and learn more about Wanda with the link in my bio or at

To find out if BrainGAME is for you, or to explore becoming a Certified BrainGAME Coach, book a Discovery call with the link in my bio or at

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