Stories That Inspire Us with Melissa Miller - 10.07.22

2 years ago

Stories That Inspire Us welcomed to today’s podcast, Friday, October 7, 2022, Melissa Miller. Melissa is a former Certified Nursing Assistant turned full time Online Business Owner and Stay At Home Mom and Spousal Caregiver. This is Melissa’s 2nd guest appearance! She was previously on the “Stories” podcast on July 15, 2022.

Melissa’s story began in 2019 when her husband suffered an epiletpic seizure. (He had no prior history and the road to a diagnosis was a long and twisted journey. She describes her journey as throwing spaghetti to the wall.)

Melissa caught us up on her “chaotic” lifestyle and that she has learned to adjust when she has to. This is not easy as her husband’s health continues to rapidly decline from the series of epileptic seizures that he has been having since December 2019.

Melissa’s inspiration comes from her divine faith and setting her priorities that work with her lifestyle including self-care. This for her this past year has taken on more of a spiritual self-care which she describes as “setting” the tone.

She emphasized that caregivers and patients have different needs and the only person who can take care of the caregiver is the caregiver herself (or himself.) She continues to try to stay ahead of the game (for example, housework, etc. or in her business, making sure she writes everything down and also sets up her task list in a way that makes sense to her.

It continues to be Melissa’s mission to share her story to help other moms/spousal caregivers who were facing similar situations after her own struggle with finding resources in her own transition journey into being a full time Stay At Home Mom and Spousal Caregiver.

Melissa coaches and encourages her clients with her Prompt Method:

P - Preparing for the Unexpected

R - Reaching Out for Support

O - Getting Organized Around Your Home

M - Managing Your Busy Schedule

P - Prioritizing Your Whole Body Self-Care

T - Telling Your Story

To connect with Melissa further, please check out her website and various social media platforms:

Are you or someone that you know going through a similar story? How will you apply Melissa’s Prompt Method? Please share this podcast with them and have them reach out to Melissa. She would love the opportunity to share with you how she can support you. You can also sign up for a free 30-minute support call.

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? Your story will inspire others as Melissa’s has! If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Melissa - as “Truly” these are the Stories That Inspire Us!!

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