Part 2 Gina Philips: Professional MK Ultra Mind Control De-Programer - BREAKS IT ALL DOWN

1 year ago

Gina's Website and Mission Statement:
“It is our mission to increase public awareness of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government sponsored Mind Control.
We aspire to create a database of resources that:
- Define what Ritual Abuse/Mind Control is
- Reveal how RA/MC is operating in our society and
throughout the world
- Offer support and networking to Christian Counselors,
Churches and Christian Ministries who are currently
working with survivors of RA/MC
- Raise up an army of warriors to take up this cause in
prayer and intercession
-serve and support the RA/MC population in recovery, discipleship, and discovery of their God-given mandate.
​​ Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Programming is first and foremost a spiritual problem which has pervasive and devastating effects on the victims spirit, mind (soul) and body. The number of victims is staggering, and we see their programming scripts being played out in all facets of our culture--Family, Religion, Government, Business, Education, Arts & Entertainment, and Media. The breakdown of our civil and Christ-Centered society is the end goal of these programming scripts. Once the trauma of experiencing government and civil breakdown has occurred, the New World Order is to be ushered in The Antichrist will look like a savior for restoring order to the very chaos and devastation he orchestrated in the first place.
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Sadly, our own children who were programmed in daycares and school systems are the ones being used by the Antichrist system to do it breakdown civil society. The battle for our families and nation is spiritual in nature. Therefore, the war can only be won by waging proper spiritual warfare tactics. It's not our flesh and blood neighbors or children we should be warring against. It's the fallen entities behind their programming. that scripture tells us we are to wage war against. Learning about RA/MC is critical in the hour we now live. The quality of our walk with Christ will determine the success or failure of restoring our families and nation.”

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