The vaccine will be forced on everyone after the rapture happens

2 years ago

Then I saw a beast rising up from the sea and on his head were 10 horns and he gave power to the image to kill anyone that did not worship the beast at all, then he forced great, rich, Free and slaves to get the vaccine mark of the beast and no one may buy or sell without the mark of the beast or vaccine, and if anyone refused they were killed, let wisdom know the number for it is 666, the vaccine is the mark of the beast, churches are giving it out and making fools wear masks, in some countries you can't eat at restaurants without a vaccine, fly in airplane's, kids are not allowed in school, in Australia they are putting people without the vaccine in a camp for being dangerous and they are not, kids are taken to get the vaccines without the parents permission, hospitals will not help anyone who doesn't have the vaccine and wear a mask, God will punish all the Dr, nurses, so called pastors who give out the vaccines!! And those who got the vaccines will all suffer God wrath in the tribulation period, all the 7 Bowl judgements are reserved for those who got the vaccines!! It is not a game anymore!! Stores and Walgreens now have a vaccine commercial out and they have a 4 year old getting a vaccine!! These wicked demonic beings want everyone to get that cursed vaccine!! And you can't buy anything without it in the tribulation period, stores will know if you got the vaccine or not, they will scan everyone going in and they will know if you do not have the vaccine!! Servere persercution will come to those who refused to worship the antichrist he will kill them all, families will turn their loved ones in because they worship the antichrist and will see their family members as dangerous, churches are already doing that, they are not churches but devil centers that is all the wicked so called pastors are who give out vaccines, God will destroy everyone who worships the antichrist!! It is not a game anymore

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