DIRT & DILDOS Series (8): 2020 Mass Atrophy - Censorship & Hate

2 years ago

November 19, 2020 OG YouTube POST:

Part German-Jew here (my peeps escaping to 'Merika from Hitler)! This is history repeating itself and the elite are literally using scripts from tyrants of the past to take what's left of a once thriving and inspiring country; everything we know and love is on the chopping block if we don't stand & fight for DIY LIFE. To be ALLOWED TO DO U, U MUST LET OTHERS JUST DO THEM TOO & THAT GOES FOR ALL LEADERS AS WELL (govern/insurance in health = no privacy, higher costs, more errors, longer waits, so reconsider centralizing). POLITICIANS WORK FOR US, are paid by our TAXES; all this added DEBT IS ON OUR HEADS, so maybe it's TIME FOR THEIR REVIEWS - BUZZ THEM UP OR SEND A NASTY GRAM! Know that USA FLATLINED & ATROPHIED even it's healthiest & thriving members FOR A YEAR (forcing them to become provably LESS HEALTHY & LESS SAFE), siphoned subsidies to cronies, DURING A MAJOR POLITICAL ELECTION over a VIRUS w/an average DEATH RATE OF NO MORE THAN 1%; it's fear they're selling for control/gain & you truly don't have to buy. Say "NO" & NEVER AGAIN to this kind of OBVIOUS SCANDAL! STOP BLAMING CHINA as well; US OWES THEM TRILLIONS & has bully stations in 150+ nations, SOOOOO... HYPOCRITES MUCH?

NOTE: CRYSTALCAW on TWITTER (as of 3-22) is NOT ME; pretty sure Stepsociopath STOLE my "@crystalcaw" there to BOGART ONLINE SEARCHES & prevent the many unfortunate RL I've been running w/4 decades, while I was "censored" due to TRUTH 'RONA posting. IG will not retract their "mistakes" nor basic human violations now, as w/other CORP FASCIST CO'S & GOV that backs them.

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