Prisoner to playful puppy : olive is loving her new house and enjoying

2 years ago

Olive is a shar pei pup with a beautiful disposition and a loving heart. But it's surprising that she is so trusting and so loving, considering where she came from. Bought at a young age and kept in a crate most of the day, she was not given exercise or the opportunity to play. She lived in a small wire prison, being allowed out only to use the bathroom on a piece of astroturf that was kept on the balcony of the apartment where she was being kept. Olive barely knew the joy of feeling the sunshine on her face, and she had never run freely in the grass or chased another dog.brOlive's owners bought her to breed and sell the puppies. She developed an eye condition that would require minimal veterinary care, but this affected her profitability and made her a liability for her owners.
They put her up for adoption on Facebook, asking for $20.
They were eager to see her gone so that they could get another puppy to fill Olive's crate. This is the world of puppy mills. Inexperienced and unqualified breeders keep dogs in inhumane conditions, selling puppies with little thought about health or happiness of the dogs. Even the prospective owners are victims because the dogs come with frequent and costly health Jennifer and Jim, the owners of Black Dog Farm and Rescue have seen cases like this more times than they should. They were alerted to Olive's plight and they scooped her up before she could be bought by an equally uncaring owner.

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