Godless Globalist Elite's 11 Step Master Depopulation Plan Exposed!

2 years ago

1. Get everyone hooked on fast food so they become morbidly obese and have tons of health problems including death

2. Demonically attempt to shame anyone who appropriately criticizes obesity by playing the victim card and pretending that being fat is somehow beautiful and OK

3. Deny biology and science to abort all the babies they can up to and now even beyond birth all in the name of "women's rights" and "women's health"

4. If aborting the babies doesn't work and any babies are actually born, then do everything possible to turn everyone into flaming homosexuals so they don't reproduce

5. Release bioweapons on the planet (i.e. COVID-19) to wipe out millions

6. Create phony "vaccines" that have more negative side effects than Carter's had liver pills

7. Deny any wrong doing or ill intent for any of the above aforementioned doings and project all the blame onto innocent parties who oppose them using their far reaching ministries of propaganda (i.e. the Mainstream Media)

8. Use the tactics of the Communist Manifesto to put us all against each other in order to Divide and Conquer us while getting the world into unnecessary wars against each other when we should all be teaming up to fight them

9. Censor anyone who tries to expose their dirty deeds with facts by calling the truth fake news

10. Orchestrate false flags against the population to kill it's citizenry while taking away it's freedoms so We The People can't fight back

11. Profit off of our demise by selling out and selling us all out to and working with our enemies every step of the way while pretending they're on our side as they get us into global thermonuclear war

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