Flying Girl Caught on Camera

11 years ago

Hi guys, it's mike chen, with all the superhero movies coming out I think it's only fitting that we talk about superpowers. And i'm not talking about things like this guy who can apparently pull a plane with his eyelids, i mean really? when is the last time you needed someone to come pull something for you with their eyelids? If you were just super strong that's one thing but you have super strong eyelids...can you get a job with that ability?

Oh cool you're stong enough to pull a plane!?! great your hired. go lift that heavy box from the top shelf there...

uh...I can't

why not?, its definitly lighter than a plane

well if you have some cables and an eyelid attachment i can pull it


What i am talking about are REALLY cool super powers that we all wish we had, the power to fly!

Check this out, this video was shot in the woods in Russia.

The person behind the camera seems to just be taking his dog out for a walk, and they run into strange scene: this girl in a red jacket seems to be floating 6 feet off the ground! There's a woman beside her who could be her mom, sister or shield agent handler, just chilling and watching her float like it's an everyday thing.

If you look closely you can see that she's swaying side to side instead of being stationary, and doesn't seem to be attached to any branches or wires. Her arms are out as if she's trying to maintain balance and even the hood of her jacket is floating upward! so I don't know, maybe someone invented a floating jacket.

The dog starts barking and the girl quickly lands on the ground and runs away with the woman. So we know whatever this is, they didn't want other people to see it.

ok, humans have been wating to fly, thats why we created the airplane, and there have been a LOT of questionable photos and videos that appear throughout history of people who claim to be able to fly and most if not all of them are frauds.

Here's what I think, do I belive people can fly or levitate...YES I DO and this could be because I watched ALOT of chinese martial arts dramas growing up but I think there is a lot to be known about the human body and internal energy. I mean criss angle flies around all the time, but this dude just freaks me out I honestly think this dude is posssessed or something by the stuff he does.

So what do you think? Is levitation possible? And if not, how did the little girl and the magician pull off the floating in the air feat? Let us know by commenting below, and please don't forget to subscribe.

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