Children Remember Past Lives: Is Boy His Own Grandfather?

11 years ago

Do you believe in reincarnation? Past lives?

Now this story is pretty neat

A little boy referred to in case studies as "Sam," showed convincing evidence that he is the reincarnation of get this, his own grandfather.

Sam was 18 months old when his father was changing his diaper. Sam told his father, "When I was your age, I used to change your diaper." I mean wow, first of all if you hear those words coming from your 18 month child...daddy, when I was your age i used to change your will pee your pants a little I don't care who you are. Cause there is NOTHING more freighting in the world than little possessed children saying random scary stuff.

Dr. Jim B. Tucker at the Psychiatric Department of the University of Virginia explained Sam's story in a video posted on the university website. Tucker has explored 2,500 cases of children remembering their past lives.

He explained that Sam made some startling statements while looking at an old photo album.

Here is the story on Sam, Sam was 4 years old when his grandmother died. His father brought an old photo album home from her house when he cleaned it out. To Sam's parents' knowledge, Sam had never seen a photo of his grandfather.

When they were looking through the album, Sam pointed to a photo of a car, and said "That's my car." It was his grandfather's first car.

Sam's mother was skeptical cause as a Baptist, reincarnation was not something she believed.

so She tested him. She showed him a photo of his grandfather as a young boy with other boys of the same age. Sam pointed to his grandfather and said, "There I am."

sam's mother corrected him and said, no that's your grandfather.

So then sam said, "No, that's me,"

Testing it further, Sam's mother asked if he remembered anything else from his past life. Sam said someone "turned my sister into a fish."

When asked who, sam replied "Bad men."

Turns out The grandfather's sister had been murdered and her corpse was dumped in a body of water.

Still not convinced, here's some more stuff that kids have said that if I was the parents I'd have peed my pants, crapped my pants, cower in a fetal position and sob or any of the above combination.

Here's what a 3 year old boy told his mother that he liked his NEW daddy when asked why the boy replied.

'My old daddy was really mean. He stabbed me in the back and I died. But I really like my new daddy, he'd never do that to me.'

(Frightened expression)

A 5 year old boy told his mother, you know just out of the blue

'Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other mom are so old now. They were OK when the car was on fire, but I sure wasn't!'

A little girl would walk around the house with a picture frame with a picture of her great grandpa in her hands crying and saying, "I miss you Harvey." what's so strange about that? well that's exactly what her grandma used to do and say, whats so strange about that? well her grandma DIED before this girl was born.

When a little girl first started talking she told her family about how her old family would put things inside of her and would make her cry, but her Daddy eventually burned her so much that she was able to find us, her new family.

A girl who was born the year my her grandma died. said her first words to her daddy, it wasnt daddy, or dada it was 'I am your mother.'

now do i believe in past lives? Heck YES! There are just too much evidence to say otherwise for me. Also I think its pretty neat that perhaps each one of was played a role in history to some extent. But let me know what you think.

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