Buy the Dip is Broken, Do THIS Instead!

2 years ago

Buy the dip stocks strategy is busted and has lost you money this year. I’ll show you how to invest the right way to make money! 🤑 Get The Weekly Bow-Tie - FREE weekly newsletter with market updates, trends and the most important news!

Now most investors think buying the dip just means whenever stocks go down, you buy more, kind of a vague idea of picking up stocks at a discount. There’s an official strategy though that has tracked returns for buying the dip. In data from Dow Jones, week after returns if you bought stocks after a one-day decline of 1% or more, so if you bought the dip anytime stocks went down by 1% or more in a day, you made between 0.5% and 1% on average the next week.

In fact, last year when buying the dip would have meant an average return of 2% in a single week! But 2022 has been anything but normal and less than nice to investors and the buy the dip stock strategy is broken!

This year is the worst for the buy the dip strategy since the Great Depression of 1931. Buying after a one-percent drop this year would have lost another 1.2% in the following week.

The stock market is down 23% so far this year, on track for the worst annual drop since 2008. And that crash is only getting worse! I’ll show you a strategy that works better than buying the dip in stocks.

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