Mountain of Ice COLLAPSES in Greenland

2 years ago

This incredible glacier calving footage was captured of the Helheim Glacier in Greenland. The Helheim glacier is one of the largest glaciers in the south-east of Greenland and is said to feed the waters of the Helheim Fjord.

Glacier calving, also known as ice calving, or iceberg calving, is the breaking of ice chunks from the edge of a glacier. The sudden release and breaking away of a mass of ice from a glacier or iceberg often causes large waves around the area and can result in a "shooter" which is a large chunk of the submerged portion of the iceberg surfacing above the water. The ice that breaks away can be classified as an iceberg, but may also be a growler, bergy bit, or a crevasse wall breakaway. The entry of the ice into the water causes large, and often hazardous waves. These events have become major tourist attractions –a beautiful landscape, cracking sounds, large icebergs and sometimes even tsunami-like waves create overall stunning spectacles for all visitors. (Find out more here:

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