Ep 7: Heretics on the 'Climate Crisis' (PART 10 of the Assange Archives)

2 years ago

This is a continuation of the illustrated reading of "All roads converge ... on Julian Assange", PART 10 of the substack series "The Julian Assange Archives". This episode looks at a parallel case to Assange from within the realm of corporate destruction of the environment, as well as more (Alice though the) 'Looking Glass' thinking, which is aiding in destroying our world.

From #TheAssangeArchives:
- INDEX to the full substack series: https://lafleurproductions.substack.com/p/series-the-julian-assange-archives
- PART 10 Full essay (wth source links): https://lafleurproductions.substack.com/publish/post/49450326

THE VIDEOS in this series:
Ep 0: Series Trailer https://youtu.be/BQzrMl1fFUA
Ep 1: "The Crucifixion of Julian Assange" https://rumble.com/v1jj5bl-ep-1-the-crucifixion-of-julian-assange-part-10-of-the-assange-archives.html
Ep 2: "The Banality of Evil" https://rumble.com/v1jjwfz-ep-2-the-banality-of-evil-from-part-10-of-the-assange-archives.htmlModern Day Heretics
Ep 3: "Heretics on Covid-19" https://rumble.com/v1jmoch-ep-3-heretics-on-covid-19-from-part-10-of-the-assange-archives.html (YT version was censored)
Ep 4: "Heretics on the Holocaust"https://rumble.com/v1kasyn-ep-4-heretics-on-the-holocaust-part-10-of-the-assange-archives.html
Ep 5: "Heretics on Regime Change Wars" https://rumble.com/v1l7pw9-ep-5-heretics-on-recent-wars-part-10-of-the-assange-archives.html
Ep 6: "Heretics on Even More War (Ukraine)" https://rumble.com/v1m40ku-ep-6-heretics-on-even-more-war-ukraine-part-10-of-the-assange-archives.html
Ep 7: "Heretics on the Climate Crisis"https://rumble.com/v1mywps-ep-7-heretics-on-the-climate-crisis-part-10-of-the-assange-archives.html
Ep 8: "What's Julian Got To Do With It?"

All TEXT and the original LINKS TO SOURCE can be found in the PART 10 essay (link above).

Elements of this video not created by the video producer either have creative commons licences or are reproduced for nonprofit educational and commentary purposes under the fair use provisions of copyright law.

VIDEO CLIPS used in this episode:
- Martha Gellhorn talking with John Pilger (1983) (not played)
- "Father Dave in solidarity with Julian Assange, 2020-02-24" (not played)
- Dorothea McKellar poem (spoken)
- Steven Donziger and Craig Murray (Shown but not played)
on Randy Credico’s “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom”
- Free NZ's "In Conversation with this Midwives' Collective - Mandated Out Of Their Jobs"
- “Talking with Russians | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4: E 74” (13 Jan 2022)
- "Julian Assange has been vaccinated, says father" (quoted only)
- "Hallelujah Mash" from People For Assange (played in full with express permission)

- “Monsters of the Past” by Paweł Feszczuk (CC BY 4.0)
- “Ode to Pachelbel” by Maarten Schellekens (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- “The Roman Legionary” by Maarten Schellekens (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- “Wanderer of Wonders” by Philip Ravenel (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- “Introitus” by Dee Yan-Key (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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