A new start, call them ALL out and become more than a follower-a sheep.

2 years ago

Firstly, I call out everyone, even myself.

This will trigger a few but to be honest I was never the sort to hold back, wipe your own noses and arses as from now on I am here for the survivors.
In the end those who sit and watch will become the foundations of the new world as they follow without leading themselves. They are the cowards, as I was, who trust anyone who entertains them and begs for money, what a sad bunch of cunts have we become, so stop sending me useless conspiracy theories from controlled opposition.

If you are not ready for me or to leave your comfort zones, then fuck off as I have no time for useless watchers.
Oh, did I upset anyone, tough shit, grow up and stand on your own with pride, we do not need them.

This is my record for the future, and it WILL show that I, at least, did not back down or fear losing numbers as I HAVE NO AGENDA NOR WISH TO FLEACE YOU.
Those who remain I thank you and promise to be me from now on, I will hold back nothing, it will be all honesty and naked truth as I make a complete tit of myself but never yield to no man, machine or gatekeeper.

I do this alone because I trust NO-ONE. I learned the hard way so I must give it to you even harder.

Time to survive,


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