RT News - October 7th 2022

2 years ago

In Kherson, Kiev forces have killed five people and injured many more. Kiev used US supplied himars missiles. The area hit was civilian only. An RT reporter has been injured (again) by flying shrapnel whilst covering the conflict.

(QueenStreet comment: the cost of each of these rockets is around $150,000 each. Himars missiles are routinely fired directly into civilian only areas by the dozen. We disapprove of arming Kiev with all weaponry to fight this proxy war against Russia but how can any government or body such as the political group called NATO, ever justify $150,000 a piece himars to be fired into non-strategic, civilian only areas, towns and cities? Entirely paid for by the citizens of the member states.)

Moscow accuses Ukraine's president of trying to start a World War after Vladimir Zelensky calls on NATO to launch pre-emptive strikes against Russia.

Washington considers retaliatory measures against Saudi Arabia after OPEC's decision to cut oil production, despite President Biden's efforts to keep prices down.

An Australian think tank sponsored by Western states, including Britain and the US, accuses China of spreading propaganda in the Solomon Islands. (QueenStreet comment: nobody ever asked me if I wanted to fund US/Australian military enterprises. This money goes directly to external debt which can't be printed away).

Kenya sparks fears in Tanzania of genetically modified produce entering the country after the African state lifts a ban on such produce to help tackle a growing food crisis.*

South Korea and US are holding drills in response to North Korea's missile launches. However a South Korean missile malfunctioned and landed near their own base causing panic amongst the residents and other citizens.

*This is far more important than it sounds. Will try to post more information in a separate post or in the comments. Monsanto doesn't exist as a corporate name any more, it's now merged with/part of Bayer. One of the last court cases against Monsanto before it merged with Bayer gave a $2 billion award to the plaintiffs, this was in 2017.

Bayer now have a (very) substantial interest in Ukraine.

The merger (which couldn't have happened in the USA due to anti-trust laws) was approved by the European Union on March 21, 2018 and approved in the United States on May 29, 2018

What's in a name : https://www.irishtimes.com/business/agribusiness-and-food/bayer-to-ditch-monsanto-name-after-closing-54bn-deal-1.3519972

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