In your opinion, what does this dog want from the nakedness of the cat?

2 years ago

In your opinion, what does this dog want from the nakedness of the cat?6
Cats, the animals closest to humans, are pets, raised by many people, and have lived with people for more than seven thousand years. Cats belong to mammals, and there are many types of cats, which differ in colors, colors and colors. His punishment may reach the result of waiting, because of a cat, because of a cat that reaches its punishment.

Types of cats The domesticated cat is of the tabby breed, and it is called the "Bast" cat, and it is characterized by the density of its hair and its length, and it is very tame and does not show any aggression. The Abyssinian cat, one of the smartest types of cats. The Shirazi cat, characterized by its long hair, and its love for laziness and lethargy. Siamese cat, characterized by the beauty of his voice and sweetness. The Manx cat, without a tail, has a calm nature. Himalayan cat, a hybrid cat produced by mating a Siamese cat with a Shirazi. The Balinese cat is a cross between a Siamese cat and a Himalayan cat. Apis cat, a cat who lived in abundance in the time of the pharaohs, and has many statues. Burmese cat, distinguished by its golden eyes. The Russian cat is a very calm cat. A country cat, it is characterized by a very calm nature. The exotic cat is a very classy, ​​expensive cat.

Information about cats Cats have thirty-two muscles in their outer ears, so you can control them. Do not distinguish the sweet taste of food. She has three eyelids. It has more than a hundred different vocal folds, which is superior to dogs that have only ten vocal folds. Adult cats cannot digest lactose, so you should avoid feeding them milk and dairy products. Cats are about thirty-five years old. Cats are among the animals that clean themselves by licking their fur, and in this way they get vitamin C. Cats have six times the acuity of vision at night, than their ability to see humans. In China, cat meat is considered one of the most delicious types of meat that is served on tables.

Cats have flexible bodies, which helps them jump from high heights without getting hurt. Cats are considered one of the most intelligent animals, and they have a great speed of intuition, and they can distinguish the tone of anger, the tone of joy, and the tone of sadness. Cats have a very sharp sense of hearing, as they hear sounds of high frequencies, about sixty-five kilohertz. Cats are averse to the smell of citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges. Cats have thirty teeth, and replace their milk teeth with permanent ones. The normal heart rate of a cat is about one hundred and ninety-five beats per minute, and it breathes between twenty to forty times per minute.
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