Jason Whitlock REVEALS why Kanye West is SO DEVASTATED

2 years ago

Jason Whitlock: "It's clear as day the left doesn't respect black people.We're being used as pawns in their demonic game that they're playing.And I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's just factual.It's a death culture.It's hostile to Christian values.You have to throw them all out in order to serve their political movement.You have to be pro abortion.You have to believe in the patriarchy and the disruption of the nuclear family.If you're a person of faith, black, white,whatever, if you understand a biblical world view, family is at the heart of all of it.

And that's why Kanye is so devastated,because his family has been destroyed.His wife is eating from the forbidden fruit off eminism, the patriarchy and the left's demonic culture.His family has been destroyed.Any person with just a layman's understanding of faith, of Christian faith, the family is at the heart of the structure.That's what God designed.This man's family has been ripped apart because his wife won't buy into his vision.She's been influenced by the Clintons and the Democratic left.These people have all been bought and paid for.This man is paying a heck of a price.I'm very proud of him.So I go back and forth sometimes on Kanye because, again, he's struggling with fame and he'll do some things that are inconsistent with his Christian values.But overall, is Kanye trying to be a force for good?Absolutely."

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