Shekinah por Barak en Ingles / English Version (Cover)

2 years ago

This is my English cover of Shekinah por Barak. I hope it's a blessing! If you want any songs translated or have other song requests please don't hesitate to leave a comment!

Esta es mi versión en Ingles de Shekinah por Barak. Espero que sea de bendición. Si quieres una traducción de otra canción o quieres esuchar mi versión de una canción, por favor deja un comentario.

Donate any amount here:

Si este video ha sido una bendición y quieres apoyar este canal de adoración por favor siembra una semilla de cualquier cantidad en dolares que Dios te esta dirigiendo a dar. Se puede donar por el link seguro. ¡MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS!

If this video has been a blessing to you and you want to support this worship channel, please sow a seed of whatever dollar amount the Lord is leading you to give. You can donate through the secure link above. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

For bookings or other inquiries, email:

Music and Lyrics do not belong to me.
No copyright infringement intended.


Welcome into my house
The Holy Ark of your presence 2x

I'll be like Obed-Edom
And I'll carry your presence
Inside my home 2x

I will not be moved
I'm staying here with you
I will guard your presence Lord 2x

In my home you're abiding
The ark of your holy presence
Your holy presence

You've entrusted to my hands
the weightiness of your glory
Of your glory.

#WorshipCovers #AlabanzasEnIngles #WorshipInSpanish #AdoracionEnIngles #SongTranslation #WorshipPlaylist #ChurchSongs #PentecostalChurchSongs #CancionesPentecostales

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