Is Maritime Law Controlling Us?

2 years ago

Let us pave the pathway for Jesus to return. I writing that applies to today that I wrote 25 some years ago. I asked who conquered our country? Who is committing treason? Who called upon our President operating as a puppet, so that our courts would function upon some kind of international law? Maritime courts are not producing justice, but violating our rights. We appear to be controlled by military maritime law, who support the international money-changers. Our inventions are not supported but hid. Our GOD given rights need to be taught in our school, worship centers, and publicly exercised.. I call all to unite as not divided, against Satan his worshipers who are our traitors..King David threw his rock, and Goliath fell. My Star of Jesus symbol is a sign of Jesus his return and I will throw this rock for our salvation. This star is only a sign of hope for peace. The International Bankers, are taking our Presidents to hell for a bargain. We all have Satan and his even running around within our worship circles, so none of us have a head up over the other. Be humble. GOD will free HIS people into HIS love force.

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