Supreme Father Channeled by Erena Velazquez 10-01-2022

2 years ago

Greetings My Children,
I am Supreme Father, Father of Fathers, and I decided to connect to My Children in these uncertain and confusing times.
Finally, a long awaited storm has arrived, and you are right in the middle of it now. Be still, just follow the Divine Flow and don’t try to fix anything around you. The structures build by Evil are collapsing without any chance ever to be restored. All of the entities, who harmed and caused distress to My Children and Mother Earth, are going to pay for their monstrosities by being stripped from their souls and will be sent back to the Universal Consciousness.

Their ruling on this planet is coming to the end. Humankind suffered long enough and deserve to be finally free after billions of years being mistreated. Your souls chose to come here to have human experiences and also help with transformation of this planet to higher realms. No more reincarnations for awaken, and the ones, who are still asleep, will continue their journey in 3D dimensional reality.

You need to catch up with the rest to move into higher dimensions. I am just reminding, it was said in previous messages, 3D Matrix is going cease to exist. The outworlders, who have been residing on your planet, received a warning to leave Earth immediately or otherwise the Galactic Federation of Light will seize them. This transition needs to transpire without any interference from other civilizations outside the Milky Galaxy.

You will be guided by Divine during your Ascension process. Please, never forget, My Children, that you are playing an important role in this event. To help to move ahead, your meditations and spiritual progression are essential in transformation of your physical bodies into multidimensional ones. All of you have a lot of work to do. Please, don’t wait for someone else to do the work instead of you.

The low vibrational emotions are necessary to shake them off, and stay still as often as you can to listen for inner guidance from your soul. Please, stop following false prophets, who just confuse and misguide you into wrong directions. What you need to create New Earth, it’s within you. We are Gods, creators and etc. Never search for answers outside yourself, your spirit is connected to Universal Consciousness.

Please, practice humility and gratitude daily to help to lift the Collective Consciousness on Mother Earth. We are All One, and We are Always Connected to Each Other. Evil divided humanity by language, religion, history and etc. Now is the time to forget the past, and only stay in the Now with a focus on building a free society without greed, hate, deception and abuse. Thank you Universal Channel.
Embrace my Love.
Supreme Father
Channeled by Erena Velazquez

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