
2 years ago

Epigenetics is an incredibly interesting field of study that looks at how our lifestyle and environment influence our genes, and their behavior.

We now know that the things we do every day – what we eat 🥗, how much we move our bodies 🏃, how much sleep we get and the level of control we have over our stress 😴, the toxins we’re exposed to ☠️, etc. – can turn genes “on” or “off.”

Many of the health problems that we’ve traditionally thought of as genetic are really epigenetic, which is great news - it means we’re not doomed to a certain outcome just because a genetic mutation is present in our bodies.

We have the power to stack the deck in our favor! 💃

A healthy lifestyle with a nutrient-dense, whole food diet at its center reduces inflammation and promotes the kind of cellular health necessary to keep “bad” genes turned off.

Take the MTHFR gene mutation as an example – an estimated 60% of the population has it in one form or another, but many people never experience symptoms or problems because of it.

It really is true what they say – everything you eat is either fighting or fueling disease! 💪🏽

#drbillcole #keycellularnutrition #aip #holisticnutrition #guthealth #autoimmunedisease #foodasmedicine #naturalhealth #hashimotos #hashimotosdisease #hashimotosthyroiditis

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