Mandela Effect Residue on Happy Days Mirror Mirror On The Wall ** Please Read Description**

1 year ago

(Note: One of these crazy mornings of coincidences and synchronicities. I been thinking about Linda Paris as I monitor her Bitchute channel, as I mirror a lot of her info. The Bluewater channel indicated that she was okay from hurricane Ian (Thank God). For some reason I had the Red Cross on my mind and how it would relate to a recent video I saw on Bluewater’s channel.

From Pyramid to Templar's Cross to Swastika by Pharaoh's Aristocratic Nazi Templars and Switzerland (mirrored from Bluewater)

I find Bluewater a bit harsh on certain Patriot Truther’s in his comments, but he has his own reasons and intel to back up his position. I am only a loner Canadian Catholic working only on my own intuition and from crazy daily synchronicities since my 2019 near-death experience.

For example, as I waited for Linda to start posting again, I thought I would search her Bitchute channel for information I remember from one of her videos a while back on the topic of the Red Cross and info in the Q Mega Meme folder. Sure enough, I found this mirrored video.


As I previewed it again, I was browsing through my PC folders for the related Red Cross meme folder. In this search I found one of my Mandela Effect video folders I hadn’t found for a few years. In it I found my original Moon Racker video I downloaded and was viewing a Happy Days Mandela Effect residue video (this one) from the same folder.

So, as I was listening to Linda’s video (mentioned above), I was listening to this residue video at the same time. As the “mirror, mirror on the wall” was being quoted in this video, Linda Paris quotes the exact Mandela Effect phrase at the exact same time (see 7:25 in Linda's video linked above). The odds of this happening, for a phrase that apparently doesn’t exist in our present reality (now it is “magic mirror on the wall”), to be embedded in two rare videos that I happen to be playing at the exact same time and synchronized at the exact same time for two totally different Mandela Effect residue examples is statistically improbable and therefore through design or some hidden intelligence I do not fully understand yet. Not only that, the Q Mega Meme folder was on my mind to search the Red Cross info and Linda happens to talk about the Mega Memes and actually leaves a link in her video, plus it happens to be Red October. The link is now censored and removed. Cabal censorship obviously occurs when we are over the target. I would gladly make an uplink to download my Q Mega Meme folder, but it is too large at about 4 GB.

Anyway, see “Dolly, Moonraker [Mandela Effect]” (second version)
Abnormal Truth - Moonraker Mandela Effect - Dolly had Braces! (first version)

This Happy Day’s Mandela Effect residue video also contains a second Mandela Effect, the Henry the 8th turkey leg. Apparently, the turkey leg was never painted in the famous portrait. Hopefully this search link below, can help you find my other Mandela Effects videos for reference. Should be able to find around 38 matches. Also see another link below for my first version video of residue evidence of the Henry VIII turkey leg.

[Mandela Effect] The non-existing painting of Henry VIII everyone remembers...

We also need to wake up to the reality on how the Cabal and these evil Satanists use human blood and the reality that they are after our children and using us in unimaginable ways such as Adrenochrome blood harvesting. Thank God for Q intel, the Podesta Emails, WiKi leaks intel, the Patriots and the Trump’s White Hats plan. We would have been already rounded up if Hillary ever got in. Pray, Marcum)

Mirrored – Fair Use
Mandela Effect Residue on Happy Days Mirror Mirror On The Wall ** Please Read Description**
Sep 22, 2018
Hi folks, I know this is old. But this is just a very short clip of residue I found as of late. It's proof the original line was "Mirror Mirror On The Wall" and not "Magic Mirror" It's of course Happy Days and it's the episode where Fonzi had to have his tonsils out and couldn't go to the big Halloween party ( probably at Arnold's I don't remember) I know this is an old Mandela Effect but all I'm trying to do here is post residue when I find them. (Note: Video also contains the Henry VIII turkey leg Mandela Effect, where in this reality the turkey leg is absent from the famous portrait. Marcum)

(Note: I will post the odd mirrored Mandela Effect video if it is well researched. Just want to point out that my kids owned these Berenstein Bear books and 100% both me and my two sons can swear it was spelled “Berenstein” not “Berenstain”. My daughter refuses to speak on the subject or mention the Vaxx word, for I am the crazy one. This topic really needs to be documented because this issue is not fair to new generations not exposed or have knowledge to these alternate past realities. There is definitely something nefarious about these Mandela Effects because most are non-sensical. So, there is no all-powerful deity orchestrating these changes because anyone all powerful would be able to erase the residue as well. If anything, they defy free will which is against the normal order of reality. It is not free will or fair to manipulate reality or one’s memory. Bible Mandela Effect changes are the most disturbing to me. There is some purpose for God to allow them to occur, but it appears everything is building to some divine intervention to finally bring all this evil to an end. Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill.)

(Note: Why do I remember being taught in school that we live on the outer region of Sagittarius Arm of the milky way, yet now I am over 70,000 light years away here in this reality on the Orion Arm closer to the galactic center on a smaller earth and with one third faster time? Another Mandela Effect … wonderful! Pray, Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill)
Coalinga High School Residual

The rainbow is now permanently inverted, just like the pride flag. – Mandela Effect
(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)

Note: Why is it that even though I am over 60 years old I have never heard of rainbow mountains, rainbow humming birds, rainbow carrots, rainbow trees, rainbow clouds, rainbow pigeons, rainbow rivers, rainbow squirrels and so forth, yet recently they all exist. Is God removing his protection to our reality for mocking the rainbow covenant where the actual rainbow is now totally inverted to match the inverted PRIDE flag?

Mandela - Quantum Effect *We Live in a Rainbow World?*

God's rainbow has not only been mocked it has been permanently inverted in our present reality. Pt1. Mandela Effect residue to prove this.

God's rainbow has not only been mocked it has been permanently inverted in our present reality-Pt.2

Does Consciousness Create Reality? Double Slit Experiment may show the Answer.

A CERN Insider Exposes Demonic Portals - What They Are Really Doing At CERN


They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE!!!

Supernatural KJV Bible Changes

Beyond the Mandela Effect

Moses tells us exactly how the Nephilim returned after the Flood

Juan O Savin: Triple Helix and the Children of Cain - The Reptilians!

Joe Rogan Reacts to the Ford Logo Mandela Effect



(Note: Notice all worldwide Liberal wacko policies and forced mandates seem to come from a controlled demonic hive-mind, watch this video below for clues) "Let the tuning commence"
Secret Recording from the Capital Hill Dems Committee SCIF meetings



Hive-mind terraforming us for possession. Wake up!

I have a question for you. If you have been following my 40 Catholic Red-Pill video list to this point and you are still skeptical that all this anti-cabal or anti-vaccine narrative is false, if the mainstream media (MSM) is supposedly neutral and fair, why do you hear nothing in the news, radio or T.V. about most of these topics despite all this widespread evidence? Mainstream media (MSM) portrays President Donald Trump(pro-life) as a buffoon and edits or censors everything he says and does. Yet, it is Trump(pro-life) that is devoted to cleaning up the swamp and exposing the perpetrators. Most of my family and Catholic friends think Trump is an idiot, as they typically only watch MSM, and mostly think Biden(pro-abortion & partial-birth) is so presidential as the MSM protects Biden. Does Hollywood or politics appear normal to you or does something seem out of place? Should we trust politicians or celebrities?

The main underlying issue of importance is our children. The horrific abuse, trafficking and worse and on levels you cannot imagine and is being hidden from view (or hidden in plain view) and with hidden agendas. This includes the hidden agenda regarding the Covid 19, masks and the recent escalations on the eventual mandatory jab of our children of the “Fauci-Ouchie”, even the 6 months to 2 years old category. Hidden satanic cabal agendas regarding partial-birth executions of our children. How can I not warn and speak out now?

Unfortunately, my Top 40 CatholicRedPill list only scratches the surface of what is truly going on along with the child trafficking, pedophilia worldwide and worse. There is something going on much deeper with the swamp elite, politicians, Hollywood, organized religion, and certain celebrity athletes and actors. I believe a sick infiltration has infected the Vatican and God is finally going to call them out. Our present pope supports the Catholic illegitimate president Biden, but states Trump is not a Christian because of his policies defending the southern U.S. border. The Catholic flock is going to demand total transparency and rightful correction in Catholic leadership.

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