BUSTED, DISGUSTED & NOT To Be Trusted! LEAKED! Fake News Media Crimes EXPOSED By Whistleblowers!

2 years ago

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This EYE-POPPING video presents SHOCKING WHISTLEBLOWER CONFESSIONS, leaked video footage and SECRET RECORDINGS that CLEARLY EXPOSE the extreme CRIMIES committed by the FFAKE NEWS Media. It also PLAINLY reveals how the criminal media, corrupt scientists and wicked governments strategically plan to INTENTIONALLY DECEIVE the sleeping public. A MUST see for the entire world...

The only reason evil is able to control humanity, is because of the ignorance of the public. Once people know what is going on, they will stop complying, and the plans of the wicked will fail. With damning video evidence by Project Veritas, including clips from Charlie Chester from CNN, Udo Ulfkotte, Julian Assange from WikeLeaks, and more...

DO NOT miss this BRAIN-BULGING video, Patriots!
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