How Low Will the Democrats Go?

2 years ago

The team lost it this morning on the networks. They have shown their hand. They are so upset that Herschel didn’t get out of the race. They are so upset that the daily beast story didn’t do what they expected.

Blake Masters is going to win in AZ. They know the election fraud that took place. They know that Phoenix has been hit hard in inflation. The border, the invasion into this country. It is happening across the states, where are the buses going? But the people in AZ are watching the invasion of the southern border from their front porch.

We flip NV. The only thing is NV has all mail in ballots. That’s a concern.

Good in WI and get a republican Gov in WI. he was supported by Trump and was
Vance in OH. Oz in PA. The issues with Fetterman have to be getting out. Crime has to be a top issue for voters in these cities.

They have come to GA and their hope was that Walker would get out of the race. They were hoping that this would be so devastating and that republicans would turn on Herschel with the help of the AJC and national media.

We are going to win. But you have to realize some things and get out there and not let the Herschel story bother you.

OPEC dramatically slashes oil production. As you're pumping as today. Nothing has worked Joe, not the releasing of the strategic oil supplies, not going to OPEC, sanctions on Russia. Gas prices are going back up. First it was Russia’s fault. Now it is OPECs fault. Trump had us energy independent. Remember 2 years ago gas was $1.63 a gallon, that’s $400 more per month for a household of 3 vehicles.
When MSNBC, NPR and PBS Newshour believe inflation is the number one issue, it’s a bad day when they admit it. Crime and election intergrity are higher than preserving the democracy and abortion.

How low will they go? Democrats will go so low they will take an entire state in the US and turn it into a sanctuary state so 12 year old kids can fly there and get mutilated, give puberty blockers, cut off genitalia. The sickness in this country to mutilate, murder, mame, child abuse, and pedophile. 70% of Americans say we are moving in the wrong direction and want someone to fix CRAZY.

On this show, we are here to help clear up some things so you can stop the CRAZY. Show them the track. It is represented by Warnock, it’s the reason we pay so much in gas. It's the reason why you have a man that thinks he is a woman in charge of the health of your kids in school. If Herschel Walker was a senator, paying for someones abortion wouldn’t matter. It would be a big deal. Because the club in DC has been covering up things like this for years. Wouldn’t you like to know how many have been paying for their girlfriends abortion? The games people play.

Republicans need to rally behind Herschel. In GA, every primary opponent for the Senate race needs to endorse and support Herschel. It’s time right now if you love America or not. It's time right now to say you want to stop the mutilation of our kids. Its time right now to stop the murder of unborn children. It’s time right now to stop the debt in this country. It's time right now to stop the acceptance of Ukraine in NATO. It's time to realize it’s now or never to save this country. It’s time to get on the stage right now with Herschel and say enough is enough and it’s time to save America and we will do it together. The senate is confirmations. If you are out there today and are hoping that Trump is the president in 2024 to stop this madness they have to send nominees to the Senate for confirmation. We need a Republican Senate. WE need to save this country and the time is NOW. It is time to send some real people to the senate to clean out the swamp.

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