FBI raids continue targeting pro-life activists as outrage on DOJ rise

2 years ago

Pro-life activists held a press conference on October 5, 2022 before the Department of Justice headquarters in Washington, DC to protest the Biden Administration's continued unlawful use of the FACE Act to target and terrorize peaceful pro-lifers. They demanded the immediate removal of United States Attorney General Merrick Garland and the restoration of the impartial application of the law. LifeSiteNews was on the ground to cover the event. Speakers include Operation Rescue Founder Randall Terry, Janae Stracke, Director of Grassroots of Heritage Action for America, Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising activists Terrisa Bukovinac and Lauren Handy, Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, and Jonathan Darnell of GetSeriousChurch.com.

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