"The Soft Putin Needs To Go"

2 years ago

I concur, but Shoigu needs to leave first.

TG / Geroman:

So - all documents are signed by Putin - now let's see if he can deliver - one thing is clear - if we do not see a grave change on the battlefields in the coming weeks - his position will be in danger - and real hard core guys will take over.
He was too soft since day one.

The weakest spot of Putin was his secret love with Germany - he tried and tried - I hope that ship has sailed now.
You can't trust the West.

All his advisers told him back in 2015 - do not make a deal on Northstream 2 with Merkel - but he did it.
He always tried to get along with the lying thugs in the West.
Big mistake.

He even called those fools "Western Partners" even after they pushed him back over and over again.
I guess he has now learned his lesson.
Europe will freeze in the dark.

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