Kenneth Hagin and the Word of Faith Movement

2 years ago

Kenneth Hagin was a Pentecostal preacher who joined the Latter Rain version of William Branham's "Message" sect and eventually became a leader in his own splinter group. Hagin was both a Voice of Healing evangelist and connected to the business side of Branham's "Message" cult as late as 1984 through a business entity called Ordinary People. Kenneth Hagin united with televangelist T. L. Osborn and the Branham family in multiple business entities.

Hagin is sometimes mistakenly credited as being the father of The Word of Faith Movement, though the doctrine can be traced back to Phineas Quimby, who combined Christianity with metaphysics to create a very similar doctrine. Word of Faith is a mix of Christianity and mysticism to convince people that Christians can make changes in the physical realm by simply speaking.

One of the core teachings of the movement is that humans are "gods" that are lesser than the Almighty God Yahweh, a doctrine that Branham propagated through the revivals. Branham taught that "deity dwelled in us" and that in the last days, humans would become gods. To achieve a miracle, one must believe in the "spoken word."

According to Branham, Jesus was powerless to perform a miracle without having first having seen a vision, and only then could He speak with authority. Branham claimed that faith could be used as a force, which he claimed to use during his stage act. Branham's sermons are distributed using names that pay tribute to the Word of Faith: "Spoken Word Publications" and "Voice of God Recordings".

Kenneth Hagin:

Ordinary People National:

Ordinary People International

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