Snakes, Egypt, Kali yuga, Enlightenment, Symbols: What it means for us now

2 years ago

What I forgot to say: Jesus came around right before the mid point and darkest part of the Kali yuga. So did the knowlege of the Yugas come to the Hindus in India around the time before the Kali yuga got too intense. I am not a Christian, but I believe that this was done on purpose to give people a light to guide the way. I realize Christianity has been responsible for the death of many people, but so was Islam in the same time period (which you don't hear about as much) along with other religions including native American human sacrifice rituals such as the Aztects who would invade land to find slaves in order to sacrifice thousands at a time all at once for their gods. Any form of spirituality can become toxic over time. My point is that I believe there were some interventions to help people get through the kali yuga time period by introducing the concept of forgiveness (Jesus) to humanity before things got dark. Of course this all got twisted around, but I still believe it had a positive effect considering what would have replaced it if it wasn't there. Again, I am not a Christian or a Hindu, but I believe there is truth and enlightenment to be found in both religions, and many others. We are heading towards a time where we will have a more direct connection with source and therefore we don't need religion as much, but during the dark Kali yuga time I believe it was much more helpful. 
Also! regarding the amazonian tribes that honor snake entities today, I don't see this as negative necessarily, but just know that snake beings are usually self interested and aggressive. This doesn't mean they are bad or can't be helpful if used in the correct way, but that they are in it for their own sake (and represent division/creation). Snakes are also representative of Kundalini which comes from the first chakra going up to the third eye. It starts out coiled around the first chakra and the first chakra represents the more dense matter of existence. Spirit travels down from the higher chakras and manifests into reality at the bottom in the first chakra. This is where the most physical and materialistic manifestation comes from and this is also where the kundalini snake is coiled. The first chakra is the least spiritual but the best at physical manifestation. Is the first chakra bad? No, it is necessary for us to have this experience of being in a body. A more physical and dense form of energy is not evil, it is simply the heaviest piece of machinery that may be the hardest to keep in alignment with the rest of spirit considering it is at the end of the line. Congratulations if you read this all the way here! Give this video a thumbs up if you did!

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