Divorcee Sam Seder suddenly concerned about fatherless black children

2 years ago

My previous installment https://rumble.com/v1mt84s-more-information-on-out-of-wedlock-births-2010-2017.html

More data on out of wedlock births for 2018 & 2019 (2020 data not out as of yet) https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr70/nvsr70-02-508.pdf https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr68/nvsr68_13-508.pdf

In 2019 [Table 11 – Unmarried rates are births to unmarried women per 1,000 unmarried], 40% of births were to unmarried mothers overall for all races & origins, 28.2% for White, 70% for Black, 69% AI/AN, 11.7% Asian, 50.4% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander & 52.1% Hispanic.

In 2018 [Table 11] all of the above in the same order: 39.6%, 28.2%, 69.4%, 68.2%, 11.7%, 50.4% & 51.8%. Can you see why a lot of black children “start at the bottom” to quote your vacuous, overweight VP Kamala Harris.

The rate for Whites is appalling enough, but Black out of wedlock birth rates have been hovering around 70% for ~30 years. See the rate for Asians? That’s why Asian men are doing so well in America. They grow up in a house w/ 2 parents, both of which finished school.

For Hispanics & especially Blacks, that is not the case. Sam Seder, you have a fragmented family if I remember correctly. Isn’t it sad that all of those groups except one have rates where 1 in 4 children are born out of wedlock. That was not the case for Black or Whites in the 1940s & 1950s. Today, America has turned into a fatherless child that is a drug addict. The Democrat Party is taking advantage of that by pushing policies that reward that behavior.

America needs a massive dose of personal responsibility.

In addition, I would take any story Sam Seder tells about another person’s alleged sinful proclivities w/ a grain of salt, I challenged him a long time ago to apologize to Roy Moore for perpetuating falsehoods he gleaned from the antique media. The divorcee Sam Seder has yet to apologize for that. https://rumble.com/v1g1qwv-divorcee-sam-seder-and-david-miss-pakman-owe-roy-moore-an-apology.html

It's nice that the old man is finally concerned about fatherless children or mothers not named Bristol Palin who have kids sans marriage, but it’s a bit disingenuous as the Democrat Party base in places like Flint, Wilmington, Detroit, E. St. Louis, St. Louis, Chicago, Petersburg, Virginia, are people who have kids they are not taking care of.

I remember when Sam Seder used to gleefully screech like a tween when a Republican would suffer a divorce & then in 2017, reality hit him like a runaway truck. Does that mean that Sam Seder’s criticisms of Rush Limbaugh or Newt Gingrinch’s infidelities are inadmissible? Using the oddly adolescent logic of Stan Seder his criticism would be invalid, because someone could just autistically-repeat “hypocrite” like Stan does.

But I don’t have adolescent reasoning & I am not a social media vegetable like Stan Seder. What it does mean though is one of Sam’s gotcha arguments ended up coming back at him like a boomerang he tossed & then conveniently forgot about.

Sam Seder has yet to debate my friend James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith. https://www.tektonics.org/lp/nowayjose.php Methinks Sam Seder has very little confidence in that religion degree from a diploma mill, it won’t stand up to intolerable scrutiny. #samsederwontdebateJPH

Sam Seder has already conceded that the most violent jurisdictions in America have lots of black on black homicide, lots of fatherless children, lots of working age folks taking an extended break from the labor force & they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2909861932583537&id=1400591836843895 #democratcrimewave #samseder #majorityreport

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