Virtues, Stories, Miracles & Title of Liberty

2 years ago

This was a presentation given at Sisters of Liberty on 10/5/2022. I introduced Liber and Slavery. Liber being a Tree or Bark which made paper or a contract. Those who were Liber were freemen and those who were not educated were slaves. The three pillars of faith, virtue and patriotism are needed to maintain a Constitutional Republic. Teaching our children to understand what virtues are and how to speak the language of virtues or attributes of Christ help us maintain public and private virtue. Only a religious and moral people can maintain liberty. The miracle of America; Birth of a Nation contains stories of God's Providence and miracles with our Covenant Nation. Providence meaning the founders understood that our Nation had a divine mission and that each individual is a child of God and also had a divine mission on earth. Only religious freedom can bring about sovereignty of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. LDS references are used but only represent the view of the presenter.

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