Dr. Harper White House Report October 4, 2022

1 year ago

Here are White House Correspondent Dr. Harper’s recent following press questions he has been trying to ask Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre:

“In light of the call to repentance and honoring GOD in the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur today, what is President Biden’s response to President Lincoln’s call to national repentance in his ‘Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day?’
March 30, 1863
And I have a follow up question

In light of this Yom Kippur a day of repentance, what is President Biden’s response to a large number of Christians in Trump’s MAGA group he inferred as semi-Fascists?
and I have another follow up.

Who advised the President to make those self destructive comments about President Trump and his Christian supporters in Philadelphia?

Here is another issue below I’ve been speaking to other White House reporters about:

I want to call on Americans to pray for President Biden regarding his health. With my training and experience in Psychology holding a Ph.D. in that area, I’ve observed Parkinson’s symptoms in his physiological responses which are very disturbing and I pray for good health and wisdom for him in making decisions considering his great responsibilities in a very troubled world. Read about Parkinson’s symptoms on the following Mayo Clinic web site:
I want to also call your attention to Medical Doctor Ronny Jackson’s who has questions about Cognitive decline in President Biden which corroborates my concerns. Read his letter at the following link:

Here is Dr. Harper’s email below to the White House press secretary October 3, 2022:

October 3, 2022

Ms. Karine Jean-Pierre
Press Secretary
The White House
Washington DC, 20002

Dear Karine,

Dr. Harper here of the InterMountain Christian News and Israel news service ‘Newsrael’ to thank you for all you do for all of us every day. Our audience prays daily for you.

This is a repeated request for response since no response has been received since my last letter dated September 29, 2022. Our audience requests a response to their following concerns.

I serve as the principal White House investigative journalist exposing and reporting on Anti-Semitism. Contrary to what you hear in the news, Israel is not an Apartheid state. Watch my recent interview at the principal hospital in Jerusalem called Hadassah Hospital and other of my Israel interview videos exposing Anti-Semitism at our following YouTube link and channel:

Please answer this following crucial question that our Jewish and Christian audience is wanting a response to:

In light of Israel Prime Minister Yair Lapid recent statement at the U.N. advocating for a two state solution that would divide Israel with a Palestinian state, what is President Biden’s response to a majority of Jewish and Christian people who oppose this plan to divide Israel based on the following warning of GOD’s anger in Joel 3:2 against those that scatter His people and divide up His land? Read the warning in Joel 3:2 below:
“I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.” NASB

To support dividing Israel with a Palestinian state is a way of cursing Israel. Read the following warning and blessings from Genesis 12:3:
"And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” NASB

Christian and Jewish people are expecting you to call on me to ask questions in our press briefings. Please do not discriminate against them and allow me to ask questions on their behalf.

Please meet with me and call on me to ask questions.

Respectfully yours,

Rev. Dr. Matthew Anthony Harper
InterMountain Christian News
Israel news service ‘Newsrael’

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