NEW IMP SPEC IS SUPER STRONG! | Project Ascension | Draft Mode | TBC Progression 35 | IMP GANG P1

2 years ago

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we finally come back to YouTube after a week+ long hiatus handling real life stuff and we do it in style, Imp Gang style, with the brand new Demonic Persistence legendary enchant!

This new enchant focuses on utilizing the Hand of Gul'dan ability, which summons Wild Imps, alongside Summon: Imp to create a spec that is 100% centered around Imps, improving Imp damage, and using Destruction Warlock abilities to compliment the Imps that you summon to do your bidding. We're going to make this a twofer since I'm finally back in the groove and because the Ascension playerbase has dwindled significantly towards the end of this season and that has made it very hard to get into content, especially on newer characters.

I'm still trying to work on my set up at my new place so if you have any tips for improving mic quality so that you can save me a couple hours of trial and error, or really anything else you want to share with me, make sure to leave a comment below and let me know!

Server: Al'ar
0:00-0:46 - Intro
0:47-3:57 - Let's build a Demonic Persistence character
3:58-4:44 - The end of Season 7 "experience"
4:45-9:53 - Rolling a Demonic Persistence build
9:54-10:35 - Look what they keep doing to my boy...
10:36-17:31 - Finally testing Hand of Gul'dan with demonic persistence and it's REALLY good!
17:32-19:47- Chad Ascension Omor vs Virgin regular Omor
19:48-21:57 - The most DERANGED player I've EVER encountered on Project Ascension
21:58-23:05 - Hitting 70, NAILING THE MOST IMPORTANT SPELL!
23:06-27:51 - Testing the build in Heroic Botanica!
27:52-28:25 - Let's play a game! (interactive game) :^)
28:26-31:30 - Testing this build one last time before Ep.2 (and I'm surprised by the DPS gains)
31:31-34:57 - Giveaway and answering a viewers Felforged questions!
34:58-36:02 - Final Thoughts

🛎️ If you missed the last video make sure to check it out first here🛎️

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