Pathological Narcissism – Being Dad with Phil Lower, October 5, 2022

2 years ago

Have you noticed that the majority of predators and crazy people that healthy parents want to keep their kids from are narcissistic?

Here’s a list of opposites you can use to guide your kids towards growing up to be a healthy productive human being.

Constructive Adult-like Decisions vs Destructive Child-like ones
Mature Ego Habits like altruism, humor, anticipation, suppression, assertiveness, courage

Immature Ego Habits like seeing black and white, denial, gossip, blaming and shaming, resisting authority, holding grudges dependence, hopelessness, helplessness, lying, stealing, slandering, jealousy, cowardice, regret, revenge, aggression, sadism, manipulation, or anything else that “screws others over.”

Delayed Gratification vs Immediate Gratification

Recognizes Others vs Does Not Recognize Others

Advanced Observing Ego vs Weak Observing Ego

Strong Conscience vs Poor Conscience

Strong Intuition vs Poor Intuition

Helps Others After Helping Themselves vs Harms Others or Uses Others

Well-defined Boundaries vs Poorly-defined Boundaries

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