Heaven Land Devotions - Satan's Questions Answered

2 years ago

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Every now and then most believers come under attack by the enemy in various ways. One of the most efficient methods is to assault the mind with the worst memories. It starts out here and there, but it is generally passed off as nothing. Sometimes it is not the enemy, it is just ourselves, our minds bring things to the surface. There is a difference.

What is of ourselves we have the power to put down. But of the enemy, there is a power that comes with it, it comes over us. Then the enemy begins to intensify the worst memories, ones that make people cringe with deep shame and guilt.

Many believers become aware that it must be the enemy. They begin to pray against this attack, but for some reason they increase no matter how much they plead with God to make it stop. After a few days, all they are thinking about is every awful things done in their past.

They become cast down, they start thinking the worst about themselves. They become quickly, spiritually weakened and defeated. They become controlled by the enemy. They pray and pray still but it continues. They long for peace.

Satan attacked Job ruthlessly, and even came to him at night with questions mocking and accusing him. We do not see that Job said anything to him. There was only silence.

When I read the questions Satan asked God, and then asked Job, a flood of countermanding scriptures filled my mind. Every question was met with verses like a razor sharp, double-edged sword. You see, this happened to me for two whole weeks and I could not get free.

Until one morning the power of the Holy Spirit rushed in with force, and I opened my mouth and out came every verse to counter the attack on my mind. I thanked God in the enemy's presence for the Blood of Jesus Christ Who set me free long ago from Satan's power over me. That morning the enemy fled from me, rather from HIM in me.

Within three seconds the enemy fled. That is why we are to read the word, and be filled to the overflow of the Holy Spirit. The "greater is He that is in you than he (the enemy) that is in the world" is He that fights the enemy and puts him to a perpetual shamed out reproach.

"Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind. We are useless. ~Charles Spurgeon

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