Emperor of the Fading Suns: Intro Cinematic (1997)

2 years ago

Emperor of the Fading Suns was published by Holistic Design and is a 4x turn-based strategy game based off their in-house roleplaying setting. After 25 years the game has received an update which is available on GOG: https://www.gog.com/game/emperor_of_the_fading_suns

I still play this game a lot. It has a wider scope than the Civilization series with arguably a better system for international politics. Width of focus does sacrifice a bit of depth for individual cities and units but this is a reasonable trade-off. I will probably do a playthrough at some point.

Fading Suns fan communities:

I am only a fan. I do not own this video. It is not monetized. Posted for educational purposes only in line with the Canadian fair dealing rules regarding copyright.

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